Saturday, November 21, 2009

Of new babies and dogdom

A friend of mine who has two daughters around my pumpkin's age just had a new baby, so today I was explaining that she was just born and next time we saw them the baby wouldn't be in her mommy's belly anymore. This was examined thoroughly by the small one.

"Will she be little?" she inquired.

"Yes, she'll be very little."

"Can I play with her?"

"Not really. You know how Elijah's little sister just lays in her seat?" (This is what I refer to as the "hotdog" stage)


"Well, the new baby will do that, too. But we can still go look at her when she gets big enough to come home."

"And I can sing her a song and play with her toes?" Now she's getting it. I encouraged this and other age appropriate interactions for a few more minutes and then she decided she had more questions to clear up.

"Is the baby Ryleigh's sister?"

"Yep! You're right!" I answered.

"Where's your sister?" She continued.

"Mommy doesn't have a sister." I start sweating.

"Where's my sister?" Now I'm sweating profusely.

"You don't have a sister either." The child has already asked for puppies and kittens for Christmas. I'm sure a baby is about to be next, and I just don't feel like discussing that one with her. She spent so long coming up with this reply, I almost threw up:

"I do have a sister. My bear is my sister." Phew. Works for me! And we're right on to the next subject:

"Mommy, was I little?"

"Yes baby, you were almost as little as Ryleigh's new sister."

"Awwwww," she replied. Then followed with: "And I used to bark when I was a dog!"



  1. OK, this is amazingly hilarious. Are all kids this funny, or just your offspring? Cause if they are all this funny, sign me up. How do you even keep a straight face?

  2. I agree with Amanda...and I want to know the same thing! How in this world do you keep from just falling down, crying laughing? And I thought my "adopted" brat said weird!!
