Monday, November 2, 2009

First Crud of the Year

Today was supposed to be an adventure. It's one of the last warm days that we're supposed to have for awhile, but I'm pretty sure I have the crud that the rest of my family has already had. Mom has been coughing up...well...everything (I think there was some lung tissue in there last time I checked) for about two weeks. It all started with a sore throat...which I now have.

So today our adventure consists of endless episodes of Little House on the Prairie and Veggie Tales. Oh, sure, we could turn off the TV and read some books. Still a pretty sedentary activity...except the part where I have to use my brain. Considering that everything from my brain to my big toe aches, I have ceased all activity that isn't life sustaining for the child. (Like throwing food at her occasionally.) It's a good thing she can "do it herself." Today I will not argue with that statement.

**Side note: I'm so lucky that I have a two-year-old that loves Little House. And she really does. She knows all the characters by name, much of the plot line, and can even sing the theme pretty accurately. (Which is more impressive when you consider that it has no words.) I really appreciate this about my child, because I would watch it all day long. Wait...I have watched it all day long before. Dad bought mom the whole wagon of DVDs last year for Christmas, and me and mom have watched them straight through to season seven. I don't know what I'll do when we finish season nine. I think a little piece of me will die. I mean, it's such a good show, and in the words of a dear friend, "that Michael Landon sure isn't hard to look at either." Anyway...

Back to my original ramble: My soreness was tripled this morning when I fell down the last four steps of our staircase on my way to the kitchen to throw a poptart at the kid. I was carrying her at the time (of course.) But she fared quite nicely, because I landed on my knees and elbows with her cradled safely against me, baby bjorn style. I don't think her robe even touched the ground. Of course she cried anyway. Not that I can blame her. It must have been terrifying for her, considering I didn't even know I was falling until I realized "Man! My knees hurt!" and then noted my odd position. "Hm. I must have fallen. This isn't what I normally look like when I finish coming down the stairs."

Maybe today will be adventurous after all.

The Veggies are wrapping it up. Time to change DVDs and throw some cheese and raisins. (I wonder if she can reach those herself?) I may have to drag myself back upstairs and dry my hair. I can't decide which is worse...the ridiculous weight of my wet hair or the effort it takes to hold a hairdryer. One thing is certain: this upright position at the computer is going to have to stop.

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